patch-2.3.17 linux/drivers/scsi/hosts.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.3.16/linux/drivers/scsi/hosts.c linux/drivers/scsi/hosts.c
@@ -758,11 +758,11 @@
  * Why is this a separate function?  Because the kernel_thread code
  * effectively does a fork, and there is a builtin exit() call when
  * the child returns.   The difficulty is that scsi_init() is
- * marked __initfunc(), which means the memory is unmapped after bootup
+ * marked __init, which means the memory is unmapped after bootup
  * is complete, which means that the thread's exit() call gets wiped.
  * The lesson is to *NEVER*, *NEVER* call kernel_thread() from an
- * __initfunc() function, if that function could ever return.
+ * __init function, if that function could ever return.
 static void launch_error_handler_thread(struct Scsi_Host * shpnt)

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: