patch-1.3.96 linux/drivers/char/sunmouse.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v1.3.95/linux/drivers/char/sunmouse.c linux/drivers/char/sunmouse.c
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
-/* sunmouse.c: Sun mouse driver for the Sparc
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1995 David S. Miller (
- * Copyright (C) 1995 Miguel de Icaza (
- *
- * Parts based on the psaux.c driver written by:
- * Johan Myreen.
- *
- * Dec/19/95 Added SunOS mouse ioctls - miguel.
- * Jan/5/96  Added VUID support, sigio support - miguel.
- * Mar/5/96  Added proper mouse stream support - miguel.
- */
-/* The mouse is run off of one of the Zilog serial ports.  On
- * that port is the mouse and the keyboard, each gets a zs channel.
- * The mouse itself is mouse-systems in nature.  So the protocol is:
- *
- * Byte 1) Button state which is bit-encoded as
- *            0x4 == left-button down, else up
- *            0x2 == middle-button down, else up
- *            0x1 == right-button down, else up
- *
- * Byte 2) Delta-x
- * Byte 3) Delta-y
- * Byte 4) Delta-x again
- * Byte 5) Delta-y again
- *
- * One day this driver will have to support more than one mouse in the system.
- *
- * This driver has two modes of operation: the default VUID_NATIVE is
- * set when the device is opened and allows the application to see the
- * mouse character stream as we get it from the serial (for gpm for
- * example).  The second method, VUID_FIRM_EVENT will provide cooked
- * events in Firm_event records.
- * */
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/sched.h>
-#include <linux/fcntl.h>
-#include <linux/signal.h>
-#include <linux/timer.h>
-#include <linux/errno.h>
-#include <linux/miscdevice.h>
-#include <linux/mm.h>
-#include <asm/segment.h>
-#include <asm/system.h>
-#include <asm/vuid_event.h>
-#include <linux/random.h>
-/* The following keeps track of software state for the Sun
- * mouse.
- */
-#define STREAM_SIZE   2048
-#define EV_SIZE       (STREAM_SIZE/sizeof (Firm_event))
-#define BUTTON_LEFT   4
-#define BUTTON_MIDDLE 2
-#define BUTTON_RIGHT  1
-struct sun_mouse {
-	unsigned char transaction[5];  /* Each protocol transaction */
-	unsigned char byte;            /* Counter, starts at 0 */
-	unsigned char button_state;    /* Current button state */
-	unsigned char prev_state;      /* Previous button state */
-	int delta_x;                   /* Current delta-x */
-	int delta_y;                   /* Current delta-y */
-	int present;
-	int ready;		       /* set if there if data is available */
-	int active;		       /* set if device is open */
-        int vuid_mode;	               /* VUID_NATIVE or VUID_FIRM_EVENT */
-	struct wait_queue *proc_list;
-	struct fasync_struct *fasync;
-	/* The event/stream queue */
-	unsigned int head;
-	unsigned int tail;
-	union {
-		char stream [STREAM_SIZE];
-		Firm_event ev [0];
-	} queue;
-static struct sun_mouse sunmouse;
-#define gen_events (sunmouse.vuid_mode != VUID_NATIVE)
-#define bstate sunmouse.button_state
-#define pstate sunmouse.prev_state
-extern void mouse_put_char(char ch);
-/* #define SMOUSE_DEBUG */
-static void
-push_event (Firm_event *ev)
-	int next = (sunmouse.head + 1) % EV_SIZE;
-	if (next != sunmouse.tail){
-		sunmouse.queue.ev [sunmouse.head] = *ev;
-		sunmouse.head = next;
-	}
-static int
-queue_empty (void)
-	return sunmouse.head == sunmouse.tail;
-static Firm_event *
-get_from_queue (void)
-	Firm_event *result;
-	result = &sunmouse.queue.ev [sunmouse.tail];
-	sunmouse.tail = (sunmouse.tail + 1) % EV_SIZE;
-	return result;
-static void
-push_char (char c)
-	int next = (sunmouse.head + 1) % STREAM_SIZE;
-	if (next != sunmouse.tail){
- [sunmouse.head] = c;
-		sunmouse.head = next;
-	}
-	sunmouse.ready = 1;
-	if (sunmouse.fasync)
-		kill_fasync (sunmouse.fasync, SIGIO);
-	wake_up_interruptible (&sunmouse.proc_list);
-/* The following is called from the zs driver when bytes are received on
- * the Mouse zs8530 channel.
- */
-sun_mouse_inbyte(unsigned char byte, unsigned char status)
-	signed char mvalue;
-	int d;
-	Firm_event ev;
-	add_mouse_randomness (byte);
-	if(!
-		return;
-	if (!gen_events){
-		push_char (byte);
-		return;
-	}
-	/* Check for framing errors and parity errors */
-	/* XXX TODO XXX */
-	/* If the mouse sends us a byte from 0x80 to 0x87
-	 * we are starting at byte zero in the transaction
-	 * protocol.
-	 */
-	if(byte >= 0x80 && byte <= 0x87)
-		sunmouse.byte = 0;
-	mvalue = (signed char) byte;
-	switch(sunmouse.byte) {
-	case 0:
-		/* Button state */
-		sunmouse.button_state = (~byte) & 0x7;
-		printk("B<Left %s, Middle %s, Right %s>",
-		       ((sunmouse.button_state & 0x4) ? "DOWN" : "UP"),
-		       ((sunmouse.button_state & 0x2) ? "DOWN" : "UP"),
-		       ((sunmouse.button_state & 0x1) ? "DOWN" : "UP"));
-		sunmouse.byte++;
-		return;
-	case 1:
-		/* Delta-x 1 */
-		printk("DX1<%d>", mvalue);
-		sunmouse.delta_x = mvalue;
-		sunmouse.byte++;
-		return;
-	case 2:
-		/* Delta-y 1 */
-		printk("DY1<%d>", mvalue);
-		sunmouse.delta_y = mvalue;
-		sunmouse.byte++;
-		return;
-	case 3:
-		/* Delta-x 2 */
-		printk("DX2<%d>", mvalue);
-		sunmouse.delta_x += mvalue;
-		sunmouse.byte++;
-		return;
-	case 4:
-		/* Last byte, Delta-y 2 */
-		printk("DY2<%d>", mvalue);
-		sunmouse.delta_y += mvalue;
-		sunmouse.byte = 69;  /* Some ridiculous value */
-		break;
-	case 69:
-		/* Until we get the (0x80 -> 0x87) value we aren't
-		 * in the middle of a real transaction, so just
-		 * return.
-		 */
-		return;
-	default:
-		printk("sunmouse: bogon transaction state\n");
-		sunmouse.byte = 69;  /* What could cause this? */
-		return;
-	};
-	d = bstate ^ pstate;
-	pstate = bstate;
-	if (d){
-		if (d & BUTTON_LEFT){
- = MS_LEFT;
-			ev.value = bstate & BUTTON_LEFT;
-		}
-		if (d & BUTTON_RIGHT){
-			ev.value = bstate & BUTTON_RIGHT;
-		}
-		if (d & BUTTON_MIDDLE){
-			ev.value = bstate & BUTTON_MIDDLE;
-		}
-		ev.time = xtime;
-		ev.value = ev.value ? VKEY_DOWN : VKEY_UP;
-		push_event (&ev);
-	}
-	if (sunmouse.delta_x){
-		ev.time = xtime;
-		ev.value = sunmouse.delta_x;
-		push_event (&ev);
-		sunmouse.delta_x = 0;
-	}
-	if (sunmouse.delta_y){
-		ev.time = xtime;
-		ev.value = sunmouse.delta_y;
-		push_event (&ev);
-	}
-        /* We just completed a transaction, wake up whoever is awaiting
-	 * this event.
-	 */
-	sunmouse.ready = 1;
-	if (sunmouse.fasync)
-		kill_fasync (sunmouse.fasync, SIGIO);
-	wake_up_interruptible(&sunmouse.proc_list);
-	return;
-static int
-sun_mouse_open(struct inode * inode, struct file * file)
-	if(!sunmouse.present)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	if(
-		return -EBUSY;
- = 1;
-	sunmouse.ready = sunmouse.delta_x = sunmouse.delta_y = 0;
-	sunmouse.button_state = 0x80;
-	sunmouse.vuid_mode = VUID_NATIVE;
-	return 0;
-static int
-sun_mouse_fasync (struct inode *inode, struct file *filp, int on)
-	int retval;
-	retval = fasync_helper (inode, filp, on, &sunmouse.fasync);
-	if (retval < 0)
-		return retval;
-	return 0;
-static void
-sun_mouse_close(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
- = sunmouse.ready = 0;
-	sun_mouse_fasync (inode, file, 0);
-static int
-sun_mouse_write(struct inode *inode, struct file *file, const char *buffer,
-		int count)
-	return -EINVAL;  /* foo on you */
-static int
-sun_mouse_read(struct inode *inode, struct file *file, char *buffer,
-	       int count)
-	struct wait_queue wait = { current, NULL };
-	if (queue_empty ()){
-		if (file->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK)
-			return -EWOULDBLOCK;
-		add_wait_queue (&sunmouse.proc_list, &wait);
-		while (queue_empty () && !(current->signal & ~current->blocked)){
-			current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE;
-			schedule ();
-		}
-		current->state = TASK_RUNNING;
-		remove_wait_queue (&sunmouse.proc_list, &wait);
-	}
-	if (gen_events){
-		char *p = buffer, *end = buffer+count;
-		while (p < end && !queue_empty ()){
-			*(Firm_event *)p = *get_from_queue ();
-			p += sizeof (Firm_event);
-		}
-		sunmouse.ready = !queue_empty ();
-		inode->i_atime = CURRENT_TIME;
-		return p-buffer;
-	} else {
-		int c;
-		for (c = count; !queue_empty () && c; c--){
-			*buffer++ = [sunmouse.tail];
-			sunmouse.tail = (sunmouse.tail + 1) % STREAM_SIZE;
-		}
-		sunmouse.ready = !queue_empty ();
-		inode->i_atime = CURRENT_TIME;
-		return count-c;
-	}
-	/* Only called if nothing was sent */
-	if (current->signal & ~current->blocked)
-		return -ERESTARTSYS;
-	return 0;
-static int
-sun_mouse_select(struct inode *inode, struct file *file, int sel_type,
-			    select_table *wait)
-	if(sel_type != SEL_IN)
-		return 0;
-	if(sunmouse.ready)
-		return 1;
-	select_wait(&sunmouse.proc_list, wait);
-	return 0;
-sun_mouse_ioctl (struct inode *inode, struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
-	int i;
-	switch (cmd){
-		/* VUIDGFORMAT - Get input device byte stream format */
-	case _IOR('v', 2, int):
-		i = verify_area (VERIFY_WRITE, (void *)arg, sizeof (int));
-		if (i) return i;
-		*(int *)arg = sunmouse.vuid_mode;
-		break;
-		/* VUIDSFORMAT - Set input device byte stream format*/
-	case _IOW('v', 1, int):
-		i = verify_area (VERIFY_READ, (void *)arg, sizeof (int));
-	        if (i) return i;
-		i = *(int *) arg;
-		if (i == VUID_NATIVE || i == VUID_FIRM_EVENT){
-			sunmouse.vuid_mode = *(int *)arg;
-			sunmouse.head = sunmouse.tail = 0;
-		} else
-			return -EINVAL;
-		break;
-	default:
-		printk ("[MOUSE-ioctl: %8.8x]\n", cmd);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	return 0;
-struct file_operations sun_mouse_fops = {
-	sun_mouse_read,
-	sun_mouse_write,
-	sun_mouse_select,
-	sun_mouse_ioctl,
-	sun_mouse_open,
-	sun_mouse_close,
-	sun_mouse_fasync,
-static struct miscdevice sun_mouse_mouse = {
-	SUN_MOUSE_MINOR, "sunmouse", &sun_mouse_fops
-	printk("Sun Mouse-Systems mouse driver version 1.00\n");
-	sunmouse.present = 1;
-	sunmouse.ready = = 0;
-	misc_register (&sun_mouse_mouse);
-	sunmouse.delta_x = sunmouse.delta_y = 0;
-	sunmouse.button_state = 0x80;
-	sunmouse.proc_list = NULL;
-	return 0;
-	sunmouse.ready = 1;

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen, with Sam's (original) version
of this