patch-1.3.71 linux/include/asm-sparc/page.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v1.3.70/linux/include/asm-sparc/page.h linux/include/asm-sparc/page.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $Id: page.h,v 1.22 1995/11/25 02:32:16 davem Exp $
+/* $Id: page.h,v 1.26 1996/01/03 03:53:07 davem Exp $
  * page.h:  Various defines and such for MMU operations on the Sparc for
  *          the Linux kernel.
@@ -8,22 +8,16 @@
 #ifndef _SPARC_PAGE_H
 #define _SPARC_PAGE_H
-#include <asm/asi.h>        /* for get/set segmap/pte routines */
-#include <asm/contregs.h>   /* for switch_to_context */
 #include <asm/head.h>       /* for KERNBASE */
-#define PAGE_SHIFT   12             /* This is the virtual page... */
+#define PAGE_SHIFT   12
 #define PAGE_SIZE    (1 << PAGE_SHIFT)
-/* to mask away the intra-page address bits */
 #define PAGE_MASK    (~(PAGE_SIZE-1))
 #ifdef __KERNEL__
 #ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-#include <asm/processor.h>
 /* The following structure is used to hold the physical
  * memory configuration of the machine.  This is filled in
  * probe_memory() and is later used by mem_init() to set up
@@ -41,6 +35,14 @@
 extern struct sparc_phys_banks sp_banks[SPARC_PHYS_BANKS];
+/* Cache alias structure.  Entry is valid if context != -1. */
+struct cache_palias {
+	unsigned long vaddr;
+	int context;
+extern struct cache_palias *sparc_aliases;
@@ -48,54 +50,59 @@
  * These are used to make use of C type-checking..
 typedef struct { unsigned long pte; } pte_t;
+typedef struct { unsigned long iopte; } iopte_t;
 typedef struct { unsigned long pmd; } pmd_t;
 typedef struct { unsigned long pgd; } pgd_t;
+typedef struct { unsigned long ctxd; } ctxd_t;
 typedef struct { unsigned long pgprot; } pgprot_t;
+typedef struct { unsigned long iopgprot; } iopgprot_t;
 #define pte_val(x)	((x).pte)
+#define iopte_val(x)	((x).iopte)
 #define pmd_val(x)      ((x).pmd)
 #define pgd_val(x)	((x).pgd)
+#define ctxd_val(x)	((x).ctxd)
 #define pgprot_val(x)	((x).pgprot)
+#define iopgprot_val(x)	((x).iopgprot)
 #define __pte(x)	((pte_t) { (x) } )
+#define __iopte(x)	((iopte_t) { (x) } )
 #define __pmd(x)        ((pmd_t) { (x) } )
 #define __pgd(x)	((pgd_t) { (x) } )
+#define __ctxd(x)	((ctxd_t) { (x) } )
 #define __pgprot(x)	((pgprot_t) { (x) } )
+#define __iopgprot(x)	((iopgprot_t) { (x) } )
  * .. while these make it easier on the compiler
 typedef unsigned long pte_t;
+typedef unsigned long iopte_t;
 typedef unsigned long pmd_t;
 typedef unsigned long pgd_t;
+typedef unsigned long ctxd_t;
 typedef unsigned long pgprot_t;
+typedef unsigned long iopgprot_t;
 #define pte_val(x)	(x)
+#define iopte_val(x)	(x)
 #define pmd_val(x)      (x)
 #define pgd_val(x)	(x)
+#define ctxd_val(x)	(x)
 #define pgprot_val(x)	(x)
+#define iopgprot_val(x)	(x)
 #define __pte(x)	(x)
+#define __iopte(x)	(x)
 #define __pmd(x)        (x)
 #define __pgd(x)	(x)
+#define __ctxd(x)	(x)
 #define __pgprot(x)	(x)
+#define __iopgprot(x)	(x)
-/* The current va context is global and known, so all that is needed to
- * do an invalidate is flush the VAC on a sun4c or call the ASI flushing
- * routines on a SRMMU.
- */
-extern void (*invalidate)(void);
-/* Certain architectures need to do special things when pte's
- * within a page table are directly modified.  Thus, the following
- * hook is made available.
- */
-extern void (*set_pte)(pte_t *pteptr, pte_t pteval);
 /* to align the pointer to the (next) page boundary */
 #define PAGE_ALIGN(addr)  (((addr)+PAGE_SIZE-1)&PAGE_MASK)
@@ -105,214 +112,6 @@
 #define MAP_NR(addr) ((((unsigned long) (addr)) - PAGE_OFFSET) >> PAGE_SHIFT)
 #endif /* !(__ASSEMBLY__) */
-/* The rest is kind of funky because on the sparc, the offsets into the mmu 
- * entries are encoded in magic alternate address space tables. I will 
- * probably find some nifty inline assembly routines to do the equivalent. 
- * Much thought must go into this code.   (
- */
-/* Bitfields within a Sparc sun4c PTE (page table entry). */
-#define PTE_V     0x80000000   /* valid bit */
-#define PTE_ACC   0x60000000   /* access bits */
-#define PTE_W     0x40000000   /* writable bit */
-#define PTE_P     0x20000000   /* privileged page */
-#define PTE_NC    0x10000000   /* page is non-cacheable */
-#define PTE_TYP   0x0c000000   /* page type field */
-#define PTE_RMEM  0x00000000   /* type == on board real memory */
-#define PTE_IO    0x04000000   /* type == i/o area */
-#define PTE_VME16 0x08000000   /* type == 16-bit VME area */
-#define PTE_VME32 0x0c000000   /* type == 32-bit VME area */
-#define PTE_R     0x02000000   /* page has been referenced */
-#define PTE_M     0x01000000   /* page has been modified */
-#define PTE_RESV  0x00f80000   /* reserved bits */
-#define PTE_PHYPG 0x0007ffff   /* phys pg number, sun4c only uses 16bits */
-/* SRMMU defines */
-/* The fields in an srmmu virtual address when it gets translated.
- *
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------
- *  |   INDEX 1   |   INDEX 2   |   INDEX 3   |   PAGE OFFSET   |
- *  -------------------------------------------------------------
- *  31          24 23        18  17         12  11              0
- */
-#define SRMMU_IDX1_SHIFT      24
-#define SRMMU_IDX1_MASK       0xff000000
-#define SRMMU_IDX2_SHIFT      18
-#define SRMMU_IDX2_MASK       0x00fc0000
-#define SRMMU_IDX3_SHIFT      12
-#define SRMMU_IDX3_MASK       0x0003f000
-#define SRMMU_PGOFFSET_MASK   0x00000fff
-/* The page table sizes for the various levels in bytes. */
-#define SRMMU_LV1_PTSIZE      1024
-#define SRMMU_LV2_PTSIZE      256
-#define SRMMU_LV3_PTSIZE      256
-/* Definition of the values in the ET field of PTD's and PTE's */
-#define SRMMU_ET_INVALID      0x0
-#define SRMMU_ET_PTD          0x1
-#define SRMMU_ET_PTE          0x2
-#define SRMMU_ET_RESV         0x3
-#define SRMMU_ET_PTDBAD       0x3   /* Upward compatability my butt. */
-/* Page table directory bits.
- *
- * ----------------
- * |  PTP    | ET |
- * ----------------
- * 31       2 1  0
- *
- * PTP:  The physical page table pointer.  This value appears on
- *       bits 35->6 on the physical address bus during translation.
- *
- * ET:   Entry type field.  Must be 1 for a PTD.
- */
-#define SRMMU_PTD_PTP_SHIFT         0x2
-#define SRMMU_PTD_PTP_MASK          0xfffffffc
-#define SRMMU_PTD_ET_SHIFT          0x0
-#define SRMMU_PTD_ET_MASK           0x00000003
-/* Page table entry bits.
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------
- * |  Physical Page Number  | C | M | R | ACC | ET |
- * -------------------------------------------------
- * 31                     8   7   6   5  4   2  1  0
- *
- * PPN: Physical page number, high order 24 bits of the 36-bit
- *      physical address, thus is you mask off all the non
- *      PPN bits you have the physical address of your page.
- *      No shifting necessary.
- *
- * C:   Whether the page is cacheable in the mmu TLB or not.  If
- *      not set the CPU cannot cache values to these addresses. For
- *      IO space translations this bit should be clear.
- *
- * M:   Modified.  This tells whether the page has been written to
- *      since the bit was last cleared.  NOTE: this does not include
- *      accesses via the ASI physical page pass through since that does
- *      not use the MMU.
- *
- * R:   References.  This tells whether the page has been referenced
- *      in any way shape or form since the last clearing of the bit.
- *      NOTE: this does not include accesses via the ASI physical page
- *      pass through since that does not use the MMU.
- *
- * ACC: Access permissions for this page.  This is further explained below
- *      with appropriate macros.
- */
-#define SRMMU_PTE_PPN_SHIFT         0x8
-#define SRMMU_PTE_PPN_MASK          0xffffff00
-#define SRMMU_PTE_C_SHIFT           0x7
-#define SRMMU_PTE_C_MASK            0x00000080
-#define SRMMU_PTE_M_SHIFT           0x6
-#define SRMMU_PTE_M_MASK            0x00000040
-#define SRMMU_PTE_R_SHIFT           0x5
-#define SRMMU_PTE_R_MASK            0x00000020
-#define SRMMU_PTE_ACC_SHIFT         0x2
-#define SRMMU_PTE_ACC_MASK          0x0000001c
-#define SRMMU_PTE_ET_SHIFT          0x0
-#define SRMMU_PTE_ET_MASK           0x00000003
-/* SRMMU pte access bits.
- *
- * ---    --------------       -----------------
- * 0x0    read only            read only
- * 0x1    read&write           read&write
- * 0x2    read&execute         read&execute
- * 0x3    read&write&execute   read&write&execute
- * 0x4    execute only         execute only
- * 0x5    read only            read&write
- * 0x6    ACCESS DENIED        read&execute
- * 0x7    ACCESS DENIED        read&write&execute
- *
- * All these values are shifted left two bits.
- */
-#define SRMMU_ACC_US_RDONLY      0x00
-#define SRMMU_ACC_US_RDWR        0x04
-#define SRMMU_ACC_US_RDEXEC      0x08
-#define SRMMU_ACC_US_RDWREXEC    0x0c
-#define SRMMU_ACC_US_EXECONLY    0x10
-#define SRMMU_ACC_U_RDONLY       0x14
-#define SRMMU_ACC_S_RDWR         0x14
-#define SRMMU_ACC_U_ACCDENIED    0x18
-#define SRMMU_ACC_S_RDEXEC       0x18
-#define SRMMU_ACC_U_ACCDENIED2   0x1c
-#define SRMMU_ACC_S_RDWREXEC     0x1c
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-/* SUN4C pte, segmap, and context manipulation */
-extern __inline__ unsigned long get_segmap(unsigned long addr)
-  register unsigned long entry;
-  __asm__ __volatile__("\n\tlduba [%1] %2, %0\n\t" : 
-		       "=r" (entry) :
-		       "r" (addr), "i" (ASI_SEGMAP));
-  return entry;
-extern __inline__ void put_segmap(unsigned long addr, unsigned long entry)
-  __asm__ __volatile__("\n\tstba %1, [%0] %2\n\t" : :
-		       "r" (addr), "r" (entry),
-		       "i" (ASI_SEGMAP));
-  return;
-extern __inline__ unsigned long get_pte(unsigned long addr)
-  register unsigned long entry;
-  __asm__ __volatile__("\n\tlda [%1] %2, %0\n\t" : 
-		       "=r" (entry) :
-		       "r" (addr), "i" (ASI_PTE));
-  return entry;
-extern __inline__ void put_pte(unsigned long addr, unsigned long entry)
-  __asm__ __volatile__("\n\tsta %1, [%0] %2\n\t" : :
-		       "r" (addr), 
-		       "r" (entry), "i" (ASI_PTE));
-  return;
-extern void (*switch_to_context)(void *tsk);
-extern __inline__ int get_context(void)
-  register int ctx;
-  __asm__ __volatile__("\n\tlduba [%1] %2, %0\n\t" :
-		       "=r" (ctx) :
-		       "r" (AC_CONTEXT), "i" (ASI_CONTROL));
-  return ctx;
-extern __inline__ int set_context(int ctx)
-  __asm__ __volatile__("\n\tstba %0, [%1] %2\n\t" : :
-		       "r" (ctx), "r" (AC_CONTEXT), "i" (ASI_CONTROL));
-  return ctx;
-#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
 #endif /* __KERNEL__ */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen, with Sam's (original) version
of this