patch-1.3.44 linux/include/asm-sparc/head.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v1.3.43/linux/include/asm-sparc/head.h linux/include/asm-sparc/head.h
@@ -1,27 +1,30 @@
+/* $Id: head.h,v 1.19 1995/11/25 02:31:47 davem Exp $ */
 #ifndef __SPARC_HEAD_H
 #define __SPARC_HEAD_H
 #define KERNBASE        0xf0000000  /* First address the kernel will eventually be */
 #define LOAD_ADDR       0x4000      /* prom jumps to us here unless this is elf /boot */
-#define C_STACK         96
 #define SUN4C_SEGSZ     (1 << 18)
 #define SRMMU_L1_KBASE_OFFSET ((KERNBASE>>24)<<2)  /* Used in boot remapping. */
-#define INTS_ENAB   0x01            /* entry.S uses this. */
+#define INTS_ENAB        0x01           /* entry.S uses this. */
-#define NCPUS           4            /* Architectual limit of sun4m. */
+#define NCPUS            4              /* Architectual limit of sun4m. */
-#define  SUN4_PROM_VECTOR   0xFFE81000    /* To safely die on a SUN4 */
-#define  SUN4_PRINTF   0x84               /* Offset into SUN4_PROM_VECTOR */
+#define SUN4_PROM_VECTOR 0xFFE81000     /* To safely die on a SUN4 */
+#define SUN4_PRINTF      0x84           /* Offset into SUN4_PROM_VECTOR */
-#define WRITE_PAUSE     nop; nop; nop;
-#define NOP_INSN        0x01000000        /* Used to patch sparc_save_state */
+#define WRITE_PAUSE      nop; nop; nop; /* Have to do this after %wim/%psr chg */
+#define NOP_INSN         0x01000000     /* Used to patch sparc_save_state */
 /* Here are some trap goodies */
 /* Generic trap entry. */
 #define TRAP_ENTRY(type, label) \
-	mov (type), %l3; b label; rd %psr, %l0; nop;
+	rd %psr, %l0; b label; rd %wim, %l3; nop;
+/* This is for traps we should NEVER get. */
+#define BAD_TRAP(num) \
+        rd %psr, %l0; mov num, %l7; b bad_trap_handler; rd %wim, %l3;
 /* Notice that for the system calls we pull a trick.  We load up a
  * different pointer to the system call vector table in %l7, but call
@@ -31,19 +34,31 @@
 /* Software trap for Linux system calls. */
-        sethi %hi(C_LABEL(sys_call_table)), %l7; or %l7, %lo(C_LABEL(sys_call_table)), %l7; b linux_sparc_syscall; mov %psr, %l0;
+        sethi %hi(C_LABEL(sys_call_table)), %l7; \
+        or %l7, %lo(C_LABEL(sys_call_table)), %l7; \
+        b linux_sparc_syscall; \
+        rd %psr, %l0;
 /* Software trap for SunOS4.1.x system calls. */
-        sethi %hi(C_LABEL(sys_call_table)), %l7; or %l7, %lo(C_LABEL(sys_call_table)), %l7; b linux_sparc_syscall; mov %psr, %l0;
+        sethi %hi(C_LABEL(sunos_sys_table)), %l7; \
+        or %l7, %lo(C_LABEL(sunos_sys_table)), %l7; \
+        b linux_sparc_syscall; \
+        rd %psr, %l0;
 /* Software trap for Slowaris system calls. */
-        sethi %hi(C_LABEL(sys_call_table)), %l7; or %l7, %lo(C_LABEL(sys_call_table)), %l7; b linux_sparc_syscall; mov %psr, %l0;
+        sethi %hi(C_LABEL(sys_call_table)), %l7; \
+        or %l7, %lo(C_LABEL(sys_call_table)), %l7; \
+        b linux_sparc_syscall; \
+        rd %psr, %l0;
 /* Software trap for Sparc-netbsd system calls. */
-        sethi %hi(C_LABEL(sys_call_table)), %l7; or %l7, %lo(C_LABEL(sys_call_table)), %l7; b linux_sparc_syscall; mov %psr, %l0;
+        sethi %hi(C_LABEL(sys_call_table)), %l7; \
+        or %l7, %lo(C_LABEL(sys_call_table)), %l7; \
+        b linux_sparc_syscall; \
+        rd %psr, %l0;
 /* The Get Condition Codes software trap for userland. */
 #define GETCC_TRAP \
@@ -57,65 +72,31 @@
  * gets handled with another macro.
 #define TRAP_ENTRY_INTERRUPT(int_level) \
-        mov int_level, %l3; b real_irq_entry; rd %psr, %l0; nop;
+        mov int_level, %l7; rd %psr, %l0; b real_irq_entry; rd %wim, %l3;
+/* This is for software interrupts, which currently (atleast on the sun4c)
+ * correspond to IRQ levels 1, 4, and 6.
+ */
+#define TRAP_ENTRY_SOFTINT(int_level) \
+        mov int_level, %l7; rd %psr, %l0; b soft_irq_entry; rd %wim, %l3;
 /* NMI's (Non Maskable Interrupts) are special, you can't keep them
  * from coming in, and basically if you get one, the shows over. ;(
+ * On the sun4c they are usually asyncronous memory errors, on the
+ * the sun4m they could be either due to mem errors or a software
+ * initiated interrupt from the prom/kern on an SMP box saying "I
+ * command you to do CPU tricks, read your mailbox for more info."
 #define NMI_TRAP \
-        b linux_trap_nmi; mov %psr, %l0; nop; nop
-/* The above two macros are for generic traps. The following is made
- * especially for timer interrupts at IRQ level 14.
- */
-        rd %psr, %l0; b sparc_timer; nop; nop;
+        rd %wim, %l3; b linux_trap_nmi; mov %psr, %l0; nop;
-/* Trap entry code in entry.S needs the offsets into task_struct
- * to get at the thread_struct goodies during window craziness.
- *
- * NOTE: We need to keep these values under 0x3ff in order to do
- *       efficient load/stores in the window fill/spill handlers.
- *       See TRAP_WIN_CLEAN in entry.S for details.
+/* Window overflows/underflows are special and we need to try and be as
+ * efficient as possible here....
+#define WINDOW_SPILL \
+        rd %psr, %l0; rd %wim, %l3; b spill_window_entry; andcc %l0, PSR_PS, %g0;
-/* First generic task_struct offsets */
-#define TASK_STATE        0x000
-#define TASK_PRI          0x008
-#define TASK_KSTACK_PG    0x250
-#define THREAD_UWINDOWS   0x3b8
-#define THREAD_WIM        0x3bc
-#define THREAD_W_SAVED    0x3c0
-#define THREAD_KSP        0x3c4
-#define THREAD_USP        0x3c8
-#define THREAD_PSR        0x3cc
-#define THREAD_PC         0x3d0
-#define THREAD_NPC        0x3d4
-#define THREAD_Y          0x3d8
-#define THREAD_REG_WINDOW 0x3e0
-/* More fun offset macros. These are for pt_regs. */
-#define PT_PSR    0x0
-#define PT_PC     0x4
-#define PT_NPC    0x8
-#define PT_Y      0xc
-#define PT_G0     0x10
-#define PT_G1     0x14
-#define PT_G2     0x18
-#define PT_G3     0x1c
-#define PT_G4     0x20
-#define PT_G5     0x24
-#define PT_G6     0x28
-#define PT_G7     0x2c
-#define PT_I0     0x30
-#define PT_I1     0x34
-#define PT_I2     0x38
-#define PT_I3     0x3c
-#define PT_I4     0x40
-#define PT_I5     0x44
-#define PT_I6     0x48
-#define PT_I7     0x4c
+#define WINDOW_FILL \
+        rd %psr, %l0; rd %wim, %l3; b fill_window_entry; andcc %l0, PSR_PS, %g0;
 #endif __SPARC_HEAD_H

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen, with Sam's (original) version
of this