Packages changed:
  alpine (2.23 -> 2.23.2)
  rubygem-actioncable-5.2 ( ->
  rubygem-actionmailer-5.2 ( ->
  rubygem-actionpack-5.2 ( ->
  rubygem-actionview-5.2 ( ->
  rubygem-activejob-5.2 ( ->
  rubygem-activemodel-5.2 ( ->
  rubygem-activerecord-5.2 ( ->
  rubygem-activestorage-5.2 ( ->
  rubygem-activesupport-5.2 ( ->
  rubygem-aes_key_wrap (1.0.1 -> 1.1.0)
  rubygem-amq-protocol (2.3.1 -> 2.3.2)
  rubygem-autoprefixer-rails ( ->
  rubygem-base32 (0.3.2 -> 0.3.4)
  rubygem-bindata (2.4.7 -> 2.4.8)
  rubygem-bundler-audit (0.6.1 ->
  rubygem-capistrano (3.14.0 -> 3.14.1) (1.6.0 -> 1.6.1)
  rubygem-crack (0.4.3 -> 0.4.4)
  rubygem-debase-ruby_core_source (0.10.9 -> 0.10.10)
  rubygem-devise (4.7.1 -> 4.7.3)
  rubygem-devise-i18n (1.9.1 -> 1.9.2)
  rubygem-devise_ldap_authenticatable (0.8.6 -> 0.8.7)
  rubygem-dry-logic (1.0.6 -> 1.0.7)
  rubygem-em-websocket (0.5.1 -> 0.5.2)
  rubygem-excon (0.73.0 -> 0.76.0)
  rubygem-fluentd (1.10.3 -> 1.11.2)
  rubygem-get_process_mem (0.2.5 -> 0.2.7)
  rubygem-grape (1.3.3 -> 1.4.0)
  rubygem-hoe (3.22.1 -> 3.22.2)
  rubygem-jbuilder (2.10.0 -> 2.10.1)
  rubygem-json-jwt (1.11.0 -> 1.13.0)
  rubygem-json_pure (2.3.0 -> 2.3.1)
  rubygem-jwt (2.2.1 -> 2.2.2)
  rubygem-logging (2.2.2 -> 2.3.0)
  rubygem-mime-types-data (3.2020.0425 -> 3.2020.0512)
  rubygem-moneta (1.3.0 -> 1.4.0)
  rubygem-multi_json (1.14.1 -> 1.15.0)
  rubygem-net-ldap (0.16.2 -> 0.16.3)
  rubygem-net-ssh (6.0.2 -> 6.1.0)
  rubygem-nio4r (2.5.3 -> 2.5.4)
  rubygem-omniauth-oauth2 (1.6.0 -> 1.7.0)
  rubygem-openid_connect (1.1.8 -> 1.2.0)
  rubygem-parser ( ->
  rubygem-puma (4.3.6 -> 5.0.0)
  rubygem-puma_worker_killer (0.1.1 -> 0.3.1)
  rubygem-rack-oauth2 (1.12.0 -> 1.16.0)
  rubygem-rack-protection ( -> 2.1.0)
  rubygem-rails-5.2 ( ->
  rubygem-railties-5.2 ( ->
  rubygem-rake-compiler (1.1.0 -> 1.1.1)
  rubygem-regexp_parser (1.7.1 -> 1.8.0)
  rubygem-responders (3.0.0 -> 3.0.1)
  rubygem-rouge (3.18.0 -> 3.23.0)
  rubygem-rubocop (0.90.0 -> 0.92.0)
  rubygem-rubocop-ast (0.3.0 -> 0.5.0)
  rubygem-ruby_parser (3.14.2 -> 3.15.0)
  rubygem-sexp_processor (4.14.1 -> 4.15.1)
  rubygem-simplecov (0.18.5 -> 0.19.0)
  rubygem-simplecov-html (0.12.2 -> 0.12.3)
  rubygem-sinatra ( -> 2.1.0)
  rubygem-slim (4.0.1 -> 4.1.0)
  rubygem-slop (4.8.1 -> 4.8.2)
  rubygem-sprockets-helpers (1.3.0 -> 1.4.0)
  rubygem-stomp (1.4.9 -> 1.4.10)
  rubygem-strptime (0.2.3 -> 0.2.4)
  rubygem-swd (1.1.2 -> 1.2.0)
  rubygem-timers (4.3.0 -> 4.3.2)
  rubygem-treetop (1.6.10 -> 1.6.11)
  rubygem-tzinfo-0 (0.3.56 -> 0.3.57)
  rubygem-vagrant_cloud (2.0.3 -> 3.0.0)
  rubygem-validate_url (1.0.8 -> 1.0.13)
  rubygem-warden (1.2.8 -> 1.2.9)
  rubygem-winrm-elevated (1.2.1 -> 1.2.2)
  rubygem-winrm-fs (1.3.4 -> 1.3.5)

=== Details ===

==== alpine ====
Version update (2.23 -> 2.23.2)
Subpackages: pico

- Update to release 2.23.2
  * Expansion of the configuration screen for XOAUTH2 to include
    username, and tenant.
  * Alpine uses the domain in the From: header of a message
    to generate a message-id and suppresses all information
    about Alpine, version, revision, and time of generation
    of the message-id from this header.
  * When messages are selected, pressing the ';' command to
    broaden or narrow a search, now offers the possibility to
    completely replace the search, and is almost equivalent to
    being a shortcut to "unselect all messages, and select

==== pcsc-asekey ====

- Rely on _udevrulesdir as provided by the distros.

==== rubygem-actioncable-5.2 ====
Version update ( ->

updated to version
  see installed
  [#]# Rails (September 09, 2020) ##
  * No changes.
  [#]# Rails (May 18, 2020) ##
  * No changes.

==== rubygem-actionmailer-5.2 ====
Version update ( ->

updated to version
  see installed
  [#]# Rails (September 09, 2020) ##
  * No changes.
  [#]# Rails (May 18, 2020) ##
  * No changes.

==== rubygem-actionpack-5.2 ====
Version update ( ->

updated to version
  see installed
  [#]# Rails (September 09, 2020) ##
  * No changes.
  [#]# Rails (May 18, 2020) ##
  * [CVE-2020-8166] HMAC raw CSRF token before masking it, so it cannot be used to reconstruct a per-form token
  * [CVE-2020-8164] Return self when calling #each, #each_pair, and #each_value instead of the raw @parameters hash

==== rubygem-actionview-5.2 ====
Version update ( ->

updated to version
  see installed
  [#]# Rails (September 09, 2020) ##
  * [CVE-2020-15169] Fix potential XSS vulnerability in the `translate`/`t` helper
  * Jonathan Hefner*
  [#]# Rails (May 18, 2020) ##
  * [CVE-2020-8167] Check that request is same-origin prior to including CSRF token in XHRs

==== rubygem-activejob-5.2 ====
Version update ( ->

updated to version
  see installed
  [#]# Rails (September 09, 2020) ##
  * No changes.
  [#]# Rails (May 18, 2020) ##
  * No changes.

==== rubygem-activemodel-5.2 ====
Version update ( ->

updated to version
  see installed
  [#]# Rails (September 09, 2020) ##
  * No changes.
  [#]# Rails (May 18, 2020) ##
  * No changes.

==== rubygem-activerecord-5.2 ====
Version update ( ->

updated to version
  see installed
  [#]# Rails (September 09, 2020) ##
  * No changes.
  [#]# Rails (May 18, 2020) ##
  * No changes.

==== rubygem-activestorage-5.2 ====
Version update ( ->

updated to version
  see installed
  [#]# Rails (September 09, 2020) ##
  * No changes.
  [#]# Rails (May 18, 2020) ##
  * [CVE-2020-8162] Include Content-Length in signature for ActiveStorage direct upload

==== rubygem-activesupport-5.2 ====
Version update ( ->

updated to version
  see installed
  [#]# Rails (September 09, 2020) ##
  * No changes.
  [#]# Rails (May 18, 2020) ##
  * [CVE-2020-8165] Deprecate Marshal.load on raw cache read in RedisCacheStore
  * [CVE-2020-8165] Avoid Marshal.load on raw cache value in MemCacheStore

==== rubygem-aes_key_wrap ====
Version update (1.0.1 -> 1.1.0)

updated to version 1.1.0
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-amq-protocol ====
Version update (2.3.1 -> 2.3.2)

updated to version 2.3.2
  see installed

==== rubygem-autoprefixer-rails ====
Version update ( ->

updated to version
  see installed
  * Update postcss to 8.0.5
  * Update browserslist & caniuse-lite
  * Improved error message for old environments.
  * Reduced gem file size.
  [#]# 10.0 ?Alis volat propriis?
  * Removed support for Node.js 6.x, 8.x, 11.x.
  * Moved to PostCSS 8.
  * Fix `` regression.
  * Remove deprecation warnings.

==== rubygem-base32 ====
Version update (0.3.2 -> 0.3.4)

updated to version 0.3.4
  see installed
  [#]# 0.3.4
  - PR #7: Updated README formatting (contributer: codehs)
  - PR #8: Include license in gemspec (contributer: flavio)
  - PR #9: Detect invalid characters when decoding (contributer: voondo)
  - PR #10: Properly initialize character table (contributer: pwnall)
  - PR #11: Move version.rb into lib/base32 (contributer: pravi)
  - PR #12: Fix deprecation warnings (contributer: kenchan)
  - PR #13: Fix build errors (contributor: kenchan)
  [#]# 0.3.2
  - PR #5: Make padding optional for `random_base32` (contributer: lukesteensen)
  [#]# 0.3.1
  - PR #4: Fix compatibility with older JRubies (contributor: localshred)

==== rubygem-bindata ====
Version update (2.4.7 -> 2.4.8)

updated to version 2.4.8
  see installed ChangeLog.rdoc
  == Version 2.4.8 (2020-07-21)
  * Bug fix array self assignment.  Thanks to Spencer McIntyre.
  * Bug fix Stringz max_length.  Thanks to cdelafuente-r7.

==== rubygem-bundler-audit ====
Version update (0.6.1 ->

updated to version
  see installed
  [#]## / 2020-06-12
  * Forgot to populate `data/ruby-advisory-db`.
  [#]## 0.7.0 / 2020-06-12
  * Require [thor] >= 0.18, < 2.
  * Added {Bundler::Audit::Advisory#ghsa} (@rschultheis).
  * Added {Bundler::Audit::Advisory#cvss_v3} (@ahamlin-nr).
  * Added {Bundler::Audit::Advisory#identifiers} (@rschultheis).
  * Updated {Bundler::Audit::Advisory#criticality} ranges (@reedloden).
  * Avoid rebasing the ruby-advisory-db when updating (@nicknovitski).
  * Fixed issue with Bundler 2.x where source URIs are no longer parsed as
    `URI::HTTP` objects, but as `Bundler::URI::HTTP` objects. (@milgner)

==== rubygem-capistrano ====
Version update (3.14.0 -> 3.14.1)

updated to version 3.14.1
  see installed

==== ====
Version update (1.6.0 -> 1.6.1)

updated to version 1.6.1
  see installed
  - ----
  * Fix warning for recent compilers

==== rubygem-crack ====
Version update (0.4.3 -> 0.4.4)

updated to version 0.4.4
  History removed upstream

==== rubygem-debase-ruby_core_source ====
Version update (0.10.9 -> 0.10.10)

updated to version 0.10.10
  see installed
  [#]# [0.10.10](
  * removed ruby 2.7.0 preview sources to avoid falling back on them for release versions

==== rubygem-devise ====
Version update (4.7.1 -> 4.7.3)

updated to version 4.7.3
  see installed

==== rubygem-devise-i18n ====
Version update (1.9.1 -> 1.9.2)

updated to version 1.9.2
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-devise_ldap_authenticatable ====
Version update (0.8.6 -> 0.8.7)

updated to version 0.8.7
  see installed

==== rubygem-dry-logic ====
Version update (1.0.6 -> 1.0.7)

updated to version 1.0.7
  see installed
  [#]# 1.0.7 2020-08-13
  [#]## Added
  - A new `uri?` predicate that you can use to verify `URI` strings, ie `uri?("https", "")` (@nerburish)
  - New predicates: `uuid_v1?`, `uuid_v2?`, `uuid_v3?` and `uuid_v5?` (via #75) (@jamesbrauman)
  [Compare v1.0.6...v1.0.7](

==== rubygem-em-websocket ====
Version update (0.5.1 -> 0.5.2)

updated to version 0.5.2
  see installed CHANGELOG.rdoc

==== rubygem-excon ====
Version update (0.73.0 -> 0.76.0)

updated to version 0.76.0
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-fluentd ====
Version update (1.10.3 -> 1.11.2)

updated to version 1.11.2
  see installed
  [#] v1.11
  [#]# Release v1.11.2 - 2020/08/04
  [#]## Enhancement
  * `in_dummy` renamed to `in_sample`
  * Allow regular expression in filter/match directive
  * Refactoring code
  [#]## Bug fix
  * buffer: Fix log message for `chunk_limit_records` case
  * buffer: Fix timekey optimization for non-windows platform
  * cert: Raise an error for broken certificate file
  * cert: Set TLS ciphers list correcty on older OpenSSL
  [#]# Release v1.11.1 - 2020/06/22
  [#]## Enhancement
  * in_http: Add `dump_error_log` parameter
  * in_http: Improve time field handling
  * Refactoring code
  [#]## Bug fix
  * in_tail: Use actual path instead of based pattern for ignore list
  * child_process helper: Fix child process failure due to SIGPIPE if the command uses stdout
  [#]# Release v1.11.0 - 2020/06/04
  [#]## New feature
  * in_unix: Use v1 API
  [#]## Enhancement
  * parser_syslog: Support any `time_format` for RFC3164 string parser
  * parser_syslog: Add new parser for RFC5424
  * Refactoring code
  [#]## Bug fix
  * in_gc_stat: Add `use_symbol_keys` parameter to emit string key record

==== rubygem-get_process_mem ====
Version update (0.2.5 -> 0.2.7)

updated to version 0.2.7
  see installed

==== rubygem-grape ====
Version update (1.3.3 -> 1.4.0)

updated to version 1.4.0
  see installed
  [#]## 1.4.0 (2020/07/10)
  [#]### Features
  * [#1520]( Un-deprecate stream-like objects - [@urkle](
  * [#2060]( Drop support for Ruby 2.4 - [@dblock](
  * [#2060]( Upgraded Rubocop to 0.84.0 - [@dblock](
  * [#2077]( Simplify logic for defining declared params - [@dnesteryuk](
  * [#2084]( Fix memory leak in path normalization - [@fcheung](
  [#]### Fixes
  * [#2067]( Coerce empty string to nil for all primitive types except String - [@petekinnecom](
  * [#2064]( Fix Ruby 2.7 deprecation warning in `Grape::Middleware::Base#initialize` - [@skarger](
  * [#2072]( Fix `Grape.eager_load!` and `compile!` - [@stanhu](
  * [#2076]( Make route information available for hooks when the automatically generated endpoints are invoked - [@anakinj](

==== rubygem-hoe ====
Version update (3.22.1 -> 3.22.2)

updated to version 3.22.2
  see installed History.rdoc
  === 3.22.2 / 2020-08-31
  * 1 bug fix:
  * Bumped ruby version to include 3.0 (trunk).

==== rubygem-jbuilder ====
Version update (2.10.0 -> 2.10.1)
Subpackages: ruby2.6-rubygem-jbuilder ruby2.7-rubygem-jbuilder

updated to version 2.10.1
  see installed
  - ---------
  * Fix keyword arguments warning on Ruby 2.7

==== rubygem-json-jwt ====
Version update (1.11.0 -> 1.13.0)

updated to version 1.13.0
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-json_pure ====
Version update (2.3.0 -> 2.3.1)

updated to version 2.3.1
  see installed
  [#]# 2020-06-30 (2.3.1)
  * Spelling and grammar fixes for comments. Pull request #191 by Josh
  * Enhance generic JSON and #generate docs. Pull request #347 by Victor
  * Add :nodoc: for GeneratorMethods. Pull request #349 by Victor Shepelev.
  * Baseline changes to help (JRuby) development. Pull request #371 by Karol
  * Add metadata for Pull request #379 by Alexandre ZANNI.
  * Remove invalid JSON.generate description from JSON module rdoc. Pull
    request #384 by Jeremy Evans.
  * Test with TruffleRuby in CI. Pull request #402 by Benoit Daloze.
  * Rdoc enhancements. Pull request #413 by Burdette Lamar.
  * Fixtures/ are not being tested... Pull request #416 by Marc-Andr�
  * Use frozen string for hash key. Pull request #420 by Marc-Andr�
  * Added :call-seq: to RDoc for some methods. Pull request #422 by Burdette
  * Small typo fix. Pull request #423 by Marc-Andr� Lafortune.
  [#]# 2019-12-11 (2.3.0)
  * Fix default of `create_additions` to always be `false` for `JSON(user_input)`
    and `JSON.parse(user_input, nil)`.
    Note that `JSON.load` remains with default `true` and is meant for internal
    serialization of trusted data. [CVE-2020-10663]
  * Fix passing args all #to_json in json/add/*.
  * Fix encoding issues
  * Fix issues of keyword vs positional parameter
  * Fix JSON::Parser against bigdecimal updates
  * Bug fixes to JRuby port

==== rubygem-jwt ====
Version update (2.2.1 -> 2.2.2)

updated to version 2.2.2
  see installed

==== rubygem-logging ====
Version update (2.2.2 -> 2.3.0)

updated to version 2.3.0
  see installed History.txt
  == 2.3.0 / 2020-07-04
  - all appender output is now synchronized [PR #219]
  - renamed the `LogEvent#method` to no longer conflict with `Kernel#method` [PR #218]
  - @bhuga (not the Fortnite star) added a `raise_errors` method for debugging [PR #203]
  - thanks to @olleolleolle for keeping on top of Travis and Ruby versions
  Bug Fixes
  - conosle appenders can be reopened [PR #220]
  - fixed a race condition in the rolling file appender [PR #216]
  - fixed a race condition when opening log file destinations [PR #208 #217]
  - @MikaelSmith fixed a race condition in Logger creation [PR #201]
  - documentation bug fixes [PR #184 #185 #188 #194 #209]

==== rubygem-mime-types-data ====
Version update (3.2020.0425 -> 3.2020.0512)

updated to version 3.2020.0512
  see installed
  [#]# 3.2020.05.12 / 2020-05-12
  - Updated the IANA media registry entires as of release date.
  - Added file extensions for HEIC image types. [#34][].

==== rubygem-moneta ====
Version update (1.3.0 -> 1.4.0)

updated to version 1.4.0
  see installed CHANGES
  * Adapters::Mongo - drop support for moped gem (#182)
  * Adapters::Redis - use #exists? where available (#189)
  * Some reorganisation of code into more separate files (#177)

==== rubygem-multi_json ====
Version update (1.14.1 -> 1.15.0)

updated to version 1.15.0
  see installed
  - -----
  * [Improve detection of json_gem adapter](

==== rubygem-net-ldap ====
Version update (0.16.2 -> 0.16.3)

updated to version 0.16.3
  see installed History.rdoc

==== rubygem-net-ssh ====
Version update (6.0.2 -> 6.1.0)

updated to version 6.1.0
  see installed CHANGES.txt
  === 6.1.0
  * adapt to ssh's default bahaviors when no username is provided.
    When Net::SSH.start user is nil and config has no entry
    we default to instead of Etc.getlogin(). [#749]
  === 6.1.0.rc1
  * Make sha2-{256,512} MAC default again [#761]
  * Support algorithm subtraction syntax from ssh_config [#751]

==== rubygem-nio4r ====
Version update (2.5.3 -> 2.5.4)
Subpackages: ruby2.6-rubygem-nio4r ruby2.7-rubygem-nio4r

updated to version 2.5.4
  see installed
  [#]# 2.5.4 (2020-09-16)
  * [#251](
    Intermittent SEGV during GC.

==== rubygem-omniauth-oauth2 ====
Version update (1.6.0 -> 1.7.0)

updated to version 1.7.0
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-openid_connect ====
Version update (1.1.8 -> 1.2.0)

updated to version 1.2.0
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-parser ====
Version update ( ->

updated to version
  see installed

==== rubygem-puma ====
Version update (4.3.6 -> 5.0.0)
Subpackages: ruby2.6-rubygem-puma ruby2.7-rubygem-puma

updated to version 5.0.0
  see installed
  [#]# 5.0.0
  * Features
  * Allow compiling without OpenSSL and dynamically load files needed for SSL, add 'no ssl' CI (#2305)
  * EXPERIMENTAL: Add `fork_worker` option and `refork` command for reduced memory usage by forking from a worker process instead of the master process. (#2099)
  * EXPERIMENTAL: Added `wait_for_less_busy_worker` config. This may reduce latency on MRI through inserting a small delay before re-listening on the socket if worker is busy (#2079).
  * EXPERIMENTAL: Added `nakayoshi_fork` option. Reduce memory usage in preloaded cluster-mode apps by GCing before fork and compacting, where available. (#2093, #2256)
  * Added pumactl `thread-backtraces` command to print thread backtraces (#2054)
  * Added incrementing `requests_count` to `Puma.stats`. (#2106)
  * Increased maximum URI path length from 2048 to 8192 bytes (#2167, #2344)
  * `lowlevel_error_handler` is now called during a forced threadpool shutdown, and if a callable with 3 arguments is set, we now also pass the status code (#2203)
  * Faster phased restart and worker timeout (#2220)
  * Added `state_permission` to config DSL to set state file permissions (#2238)
  * Added `Puma.stats_hash`, which returns a stats in Hash instead of a JSON string (#2086, #2253)
  * `rack.multithread` and `rack.multiprocess` now dynamically resolved by `max_thread` and `workers` respectively (#2288)
  * Deprecations, Removals and Breaking API Changes
  * `--control` has been removed. Use `--control-url` (#1487)
  * `worker_directory` has been removed. Use `directory`.
  * min_threads now set by environment variables PUMA_MIN_THREADS and MIN_THREADS. (#2143)
  * max_threads now set by environment variables PUMA_MAX_THREADS and MAX_THREADS. (#2143)
  * max_threads default to 5 in MRI or 16 for all other interpreters. (#2143)
  * preload by default if workers > 1 (#2143)
  * Puma::Plugin.workers_supported? has been removed. Use Puma.forkable? instead. (#2143)
  * `tcp_mode` has been removed without replacement. (#2169)
  * Daemonization has been removed without replacement. (#2170)
  * Changed #connected_port to #connected_ports (#2076)
  * Configuration: `environment` is read from `RAILS_ENV`, if `RACK_ENV` can't be found (#2022)
  * Log binding on http:// for TCP bindings to make it clickable
  * Bugfixes
  * Fix JSON loading issues on phased-restarts (#2269)
  * Improve shutdown reliability (#2312, #2338)
  * Close client http connections made to an ssl server with TLSv1.3 (#2116)
  * Do not set user_config to quiet by default to allow for file config (#2074)
  * Always close SSL connection in Puma::ControlCLI (#2211)
  * Windows update extconf.rb for use with ssp and varied Ruby/MSYS2 combinations (#2069)
  * Ensure control server Unix socket is closed on shutdown (#2112)
  * Preserve `BUNDLE_GEMFILE` env var when using `prune_bundler` (#1893)
  * Send 408 request timeout even when queue requests is disabled (#2119)
  * Rescue IO::WaitReadable instead of EAGAIN for blocking read (#2121)
  * Ensure `BUNDLE_GEMFILE` is unspecified in workers if unspecified in master when using `prune_bundler` (#2154)
  * Rescue and log exceptions in hooks defined by users (on_worker_boot, after_worker_fork etc) (#1551)
  * Read directly from the socket in #read_and_drop to avoid raising further SSL errors (#2198)
  * Set `Connection: closed` header when queue requests is disabled (#2216)
  * Pass queued requests to thread pool on server shutdown (#2122)
  * Fixed a few minor concurrency bugs in ThreadPool that may have affected non-GVL Rubies (#2220)
  * Fix `out_of_band` hook never executed if the number of worker threads is > 1 (#2177)
  * Fix ThreadPool#shutdown timeout accuracy (#2221)
  * Fix `UserFileDefaultOptions#fetch` to properly use `default` (#2233)
  * Improvements to `out_of_band` hook (#2234)
  * Prefer the rackup file specified by the CLI (#2225)
  * Fix for spawning subprocesses with fork_worker option (#2267)
  * Set `CONTENT_LENGTH` for chunked requests (#2287)
  * JRuby - Add Puma::MiniSSL::Engine#init? and #teardown methods, run all SSL tests (#2317)
  * Improve shutdown reliability (#2312)
  * Resolve issue with threadpool waiting counter decrement when thread is killed
  * Constrain rake-compiler version to 0.9.4 to fix `ClassNotFound` exception when using MiniSSL with Java8.
  * Fix recursive `prune_bundler` (#2319).
  * Ensure that TCP_CORK is usable
  * Fix corner case when request body is chunked (#2326)
  * Fix filehandle leak in MiniSSL (#2299)
  * Refactor
  * Remove unused loader argument from Plugin initializer (#2095)
  * Simplify `Configuration.random_token` and remove insecure fallback (#2102)
  * Simplify `Runner#start_control` URL parsing (#2111)
  * Removed the IOBuffer extension and replaced with Ruby (#1980)
  * Update `` to use `**options` (#2189)
  * ThreadPool concurrency refactoring (#2220)
  * JSON parse cluster worker stats instead of regex (#2124)
  * Support parallel tests in verbose progress reporting (#2223)
  * Refactor error handling in server accept loop (#2239)

==== rubygem-puma_worker_killer ====
Version update (0.1.1 -> 0.3.1)

updated to version 0.3.1
  see installed
  [#]# Main
  [#]# 0.3.1
  - Relax puma dependency (#94)
  [#]# 0.3.0
  - Test on recent ruby versions #84
  - Add option to adjust restart randomizer (#78)
  [#]# 0.2.0
  - Simplify workers memory calculation in PumaMemory?s `get_total` method #81
  - Add rubocop in gemspec and CI, with offenses corrected and unnecessary cops disabled.
  - Add `pre_term`-like `rolling_pre_term` config for terminations caused by rolling restart (#86)
  - Fix compatibility with ruby version 2.3.X (#87)

==== rubygem-rack-oauth2 ====
Version update (1.12.0 -> 1.16.0)

updated to version 1.16.0
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-rack-protection ====
Version update ( -> 2.1.0)

updated to version 2.1.0
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-rails-5.2 ====
Version update ( ->

updated to version
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-railties-5.2 ====
Version update ( ->

updated to version
  see installed
  [#]# Rails (September 09, 2020) ##
  * No changes.
  [#]# Rails (May 18, 2020) ##
  * No changes.

==== rubygem-rake-compiler ====
Version update (1.1.0 -> 1.1.1)

updated to version 1.1.1
  see installed History.txt

==== rubygem-regexp_parser ====
Version update (1.7.1 -> 1.8.0)

updated to version 1.8.0
  see installed
  [#]## [1.8.0] - 2020-09-20 - [Janosch M�ller](
  [#]## Changed
  - dropped support for running on Ruby 1.9.x
  [#]## Added
  - regexp flags can now be passed when parsing a `String` as regexp body
  * see the [README](/ for details
  * thanks to [Owen Stephens](
  - bare occurrences of `\g` and `\k` are now allowed and scanned as literal escapes
  * matches Onigmo behavior
  * thanks for the report to [Marc-Andr� Lafortune](
  [#]## Fixed
  - fixed parsing comments without preceding space or trailing newline in x-mode
  * thanks to [Owen Stephens](

==== rubygem-responders ====
Version update (3.0.0 -> 3.0.1)

updated to version 3.0.1
  see installed
  [#]# 3.0.1
  * Add support to Ruby 2.7

==== rubygem-rouge ====
Version update (3.18.0 -> 3.23.0)

updated to version 3.23.0
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-rubocop ====
Version update (0.90.0 -> 0.92.0)

updated to version 0.92.0
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-rubocop-ast ====
Version update (0.3.0 -> 0.5.0)

updated to version 0.5.0
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-ruby_parser ====
Version update (3.14.2 -> 3.15.0)

updated to version 3.15.0
  see installed History.rdoc
  === 3.15.0 / 2020-08-31
  * 1 major enhancement:
  * Added tentative 2.7 support.
  * 1 minor enhancement:
  * Improved ruby_parse_extract_error's handling of moving slow files out.
  * 22 bug fixes:
  * Bumped ruby version to include 3.0 (trunk).
  * Fix an error related to empty ensure bodies. (presidentbeef)
  * Fix handling of bad magic encoding comment.
  * Fixed SystemStackError when parsing a huoooge hash, caused by a splat arg.
  * Fixed a number of errors parsing do blocks in strange edge cases.
  * Fixed a string backslash lexing bug when the string is an invalid encoding. (nijikon, gmcgibbon)
  * Fixed bug assigning line number to some arg nodes.
  * Fixed bug concatinating string literals with differing encodings.
  * Fixed bug lexing heredoc w/ nasty mix of \r\n and \n.
  * Fixed bug lexing multiple codepoints in \u{0000 1111 2222} forms.
  * Fixed bug setting line numbers in empty xstrings in some contexts.
  * Fixed edge case on call w/ begin + do block as an arg.
  * Fixed handling of UTF BOM.
  * Fixed handling of lexer state across string interpolation braces.
  * Fixed infinite loop when lexing backslash+cr+newline (aka dos-files)
  * Fixed lambda + do block edge case.
  * Fixed lexing of some ?\M... and ?\C... edge cases.
  * Fixed more do/brace block edge case failures.
  * Fixed parsing bug where splat was used in the middle of a list.
  * Fixed parsing of interpolation in heredoc-like strings. (presidentbeef)
  * Fixed parsing some esoteric edge cases in op_asgn.
  * Fixed unicode processing in ident chars so now they better mix.

==== rubygem-sexp_processor ====
Version update (4.14.1 -> 4.15.1)

updated to version 4.15.1
  see installed History.rdoc
  === 4.15.1 / 2020-08-31
  * 1 bug fix:
  * Bumped ruby version to include 3.0 (trunk).
  === 4.15.0 / 2020-06-09
  * 1 minor enhancement:
  * Added `child` and `include` to Sexp::Matcher.parse language.

==== rubygem-simplecov ====
Version update (0.18.5 -> 0.19.0)

updated to version 0.19.0
  see installed
  0.19.0 (2020-08-16)
  [#]# Breaking Changes
  * Dropped support for Ruby 2.4, it reached EOL
  [#]# Enhancements
  * observe forked processes (enable with SimpleCov.enable_for_subprocesses). See [#881](, thanks to [@robotdana](
  * SimpleCov distinguishes better that it stopped processing because of a previous error vs. SimpleCov is the originator of said error due to coverage requirements.
  [#]# Bugfixes
  * Changing the `SimpleCov.root` combined with the root filtering didn't work. Now they do! Thanks to [@deivid-rodriguez]( and see [#894](
  * in parallel test execution it could happen that the last coverage result was written to disk when it didn't complete yet, changed to only write it once it's the final result
  * if you run parallel tests only the final process will report violations of the configured test coverage, not all previous processes
  * changed the parallel_tests merging mechanisms to do the waiting always in the last process, should reduce race conditions
  [#]# Noteworthy
  * The repo has moved to - everything stays the same, redirects should work but you might wanna update anyhow
  * The primary development branch is now `main`, not `master` anymore. If you get simplecov directly from github change your reference. For a while `master` will still be occasionally updated but that's no long term solion.

==== rubygem-simplecov-html ====
Version update (0.12.2 -> 0.12.3)

updated to version 0.12.3
  see installed
  0.12.3 (2020-09-23)
  [#]# Bugfixes
  * Relax ruby version requirement to work with Ruby 3.0 (next version, current `ruby-head`). Thanks [@byroot](

==== rubygem-sinatra ====
Version update ( -> 2.1.0)

updated to version 2.1.0
  see installed
  [#]# 2.1.0 / 2020-09-05
  * Fix additional Ruby 2.7 keyword warnings [#1586]( by Stefan Sundin
  * Drop Ruby 2.2 support [#1455]( by Eloy P�rez
  * Add Rack::Protection::ReferrerPolicy [#1291]( by Stefan Sundin
  * Add `default_content_type` setting. Fixes [#1238]( [#1239]( by Mike Pastore
  * Allow `set :<engine>` in sinatra-namespace [#1255]( by Christian H�ppner
  * Use prepend instead of include for helpers. Fixes [#1213]( [#1214]( by Mike Pastore
  * Fix issue with passed routes and provides Fixes [#1095]( [#1606]( by Mike Pastore, Jordan Owens
  * Add QuietLogger that excludes pathes from Rack::CommonLogger [1250]( by Christoph Wagner
  * Sinatra::Contrib dependency updates. Fixes [#1207]( [#1411]( by Mike Pastore
  * Allow CSP to fallback to default-src. Fixes [#1484]( [#1490]( by Jordan Owens
  * Replace `origin_whitelist` with `permitted_origins`. Closes [#1620]( [#1625]( by rhymes
  * Use Rainbows instead of thin for async/stream features. Closes [#1624]( [#1627]( by Ryuichi KAWAMATA
  * Enable EscapedParams if passed via settings. Closes [#1615]( [#1632]( by Anders B�lter
  * Support for parameters in mime types. Fixes [#1141]( by John Hope
  * Handle null byte when serving static files [#1574]( by Kush Fanikiso
  * Improve development support and documentation and source code by Olle Jonsson, Pierre-Adrien Buisson, Shota Iguchi

==== rubygem-slim ====
Version update (4.0.1 -> 4.1.0)

updated to version 4.1.0
  see installed CHANGES
  4.1.0 (2020-05-07)
  * Add support for Tailwind CSS - #841
  * Update dependencies and testing

==== rubygem-slop ====
Version update (4.8.1 -> 4.8.2)

updated to version 4.8.2
  see installed
  v4.8.2 (2020-07-10)
  - ------------------
  Bug fixes:
  * Fix bug where separator position was messed up if using `help: false`

==== rubygem-sprockets-helpers ====
Version update (1.3.0 -> 1.4.0)

updated to version 1.4.0
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-stomp ====
Version update (1.4.9 -> 1.4.10)

updated to version 1.4.10
  see installed
  [#]# 1.4.10 20200819
  * Fix issue #165
  * Reinstate autoflush behavior
  * Correct _receive method signature
  * Update version
  * More debugging messages in netio.rb.

==== rubygem-strptime ====
Version update (0.2.3 -> 0.2.4)

updated to version 0.2.4
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-swd ====
Version update (1.1.2 -> 1.2.0)

updated to version 1.2.0
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-timers ====
Version update (4.3.0 -> 4.3.2)

updated to version 4.3.2
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-treetop ====
Version update (1.6.10 -> 1.6.11)

updated to version 1.6.11
  see installed History.txt

==== rubygem-tzinfo-0 ====
Version update (0.3.56 -> 0.3.57)

updated to version 0.3.57
  see installed CHANGES
  == Version 0.3.57 (tzdata v2020a) - 17-May-2020
  * Updated to tzdata version 2020a

==== rubygem-vagrant_cloud ====
Version update (2.0.3 -> 3.0.0)

updated to version 3.0.0
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-validate_url ====
Version update (1.0.8 -> 1.0.13)

updated to version 1.0.13
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-warden ====
Version update (1.2.8 -> 1.2.9)

updated to version 1.2.9
  see installed

==== rubygem-winrm-elevated ====
Version update (1.2.1 -> 1.2.2)

updated to version 1.2.2
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-winrm-fs ====
Version update (1.3.4 -> 1.3.5)

updated to version 1.3.5
  no changelog found