Packages changed: apparmor python-PrettyTable python-appdirs python-cffi (1.13.0 -> 1.13.2) python-psutil (5.6.3 -> 5.6.5) python-pyasn1 (0.4.7 -> 0.4.8) python-pycryptodome (3.9.0 -> 3.9.2) python-pyparsing (2.4.2 -> 2.4.5) python-pyzmq (18.1.0 -> 18.1.1) === Details === ==== apparmor ==== Subpackages: apparmor-abstractions apparmor-parser apparmor-profiles apparmor-utils perl-apparmor python3-apparmor - Properly pull in full python3 interpreter ==== python-PrettyTable ==== - Run through spec-cleaner ==== python-appdirs ==== - Format with spec-cleaner ==== python-cffi ==== Version update (1.13.0 -> 1.13.2) - Update to 1.13.2: * re-release because the Linux wheels came with an attached version of libffi that was very old and buggy - Update to 1.13.1: * deprecate the way to declare in cdef() a global variable with only void *foo;. You should always use a storage class, like extern void *foo; or maybe static void *foo;. These are all equivalent for the purposes of cdef(), but the reason for deprecating the bare version is that (as far as I know) it would always be mistake in a real C header. * fix the regression RuntimeError: found a situation in which we try to build a type recursively. * fixed issue #427 where a multithreading mistake in the embedding logic initialization code would cause deadlocks on CPython 3.7. ==== python-psutil ==== Version update (5.6.3 -> 5.6.5) - update to version 5.6.5: * Bug fixes + 1615: remove pyproject.toml as it was causing installation issues. - changes from version 5.6.4: * Enhancements + 1527: [Linux] added Process.cpu_times().iowait counter, which is the time spent waiting for blocking I/O to complete. + 1565: add PEP 517/8 build backend and requirements specification for better pip integration. (patch by Bern�t G�bor) * Bug fixes + 875: [Windows] Process' cmdline(), environ() or cwd() may occasionally fail with ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY which now gets translated to AccessDenied. + 1126: [Linux] cpu_affinity() segfaults on CentOS 5 / manylinux. cpu_affinity() support for CentOS 5 was removed. + 1528: [AIX] compilation error on AIX 7.2 due to 32 vs 64 bit differences. (patch by Arnon Yaari) + 1535: 'type' and 'family' fields returned by net_connections() are not always turned into enums. + 1536: [NetBSD] process cmdline() erroneously raise ZombieProcess error if cmdline has non encodable chars. + 1546: usage percent may be rounded to 0 on Python 2. + 1552: [Windows] getloadavg() math for calculating 5 and 15 mins values is incorrect. + 1568: [Linux] use CC compiler env var if defined. + 1570: [Windows] NtWow64* syscalls fail to raise the proper error code + 1585: [OSX] calling close() (in C) on possible negative integers. (patch by Athos Ribeiro) + 1606: [SunOS] compilation fails on SunOS 5.10. (patch by vser1) ==== python-pyasn1 ==== Version update (0.4.7 -> 0.4.8) - Update to 0.4.8: * Added ability of combining `SingleValueConstraint` and `PermittedAlphabetConstraint` objects into one for proper modeling `FROM ... EXCEPT ...` ASN.1 clause. ==== python-pycryptodome ==== Version update (3.9.0 -> 3.9.2) - Update to 3.9.2 (10 November 2019): + New features * Add Python 3.8 wheels for Mac. + Resolved issues * GH#308: Avoid allocating arrays of __m128i on the stack, to cope with buggy compilers. * GH#322: Remove blanket -O3 optimization for gcc and clang, to cope with buggy compilers. * GH#337: Fix typing stubs for signatures. * GH#338: Deal with gcc installations that don't have x86intrin.h. - Update to version 3.9.1 (1 November 2019): + New features * Add Python 3.8 wheels for Linux and Windows. + Resolved issues * GH#328: minor speed-up when importing RSA. - Add export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 to %build, %install and %check to fix the build on older distros (as done from Thomas Bechtold in python-pycryptodomex) ==== python-pyparsing ==== Version update (2.4.2 -> 2.4.5) - update to version 2.4.5: * Fixed encoding when reads README.rst to include the project long description when uploading to PyPI. A stray unicode space in README.rst prevented the source install on systems whose default encoding is not 'utf-8'. - changes from version 2.4.4: * Unresolved symbol reference in 2.4.3 release was masked by stdout buffering in unit tests, thanks for the prompt heads-up, Ned Batchelder! - changes from version 2.4.3: * Fixed a bug in ParserElement.__eq__ that would for some parsers create a recursion error at parser definition time. Thanks to Michael Clerx for the assist. (Addresses issue #123) * Fixed bug in indentedBlock where a block that ended at the end of the input string could cause pyaprsing to loop forever. Raised as part of discussion on StackOverflow with geckos. * Backports from pyparsing 3.0.0: + __diag__.enable_all_warnings() + Fixed bug in PrecededBy which caused infinite recursion, issue [#127] + support for using regex-compiled RE to construct Regex expressions ==== python-pyzmq ==== Version update (18.1.0 -> 18.1.1) - update to version 18.1.1: * Fix race condition when shutting down ZAP thread while events are still processing (only affects tests) * Publish wheels for Python 3.8 on all platforms * Stop publishing wheels for Python 3.4 on Windows * Sources generated with Cython 0.29.14