Remora Gill, 1862
Remoropsis Gill, 1863; (synonym)
Rhombochirus Gill, 1863; (synonym)
Remilegia Gill, 1862; (synonym)
Remora australis Eschmeyer & Herald, 1983
Echeneis australis Bennett, 1840; (valid as)
Echeneis scutata Gìnther, 1860; (synonym)
Remilegia scutata Gill, 1862; (synonym)
Remora brachyptera Eschmeyer & Herald, 1983
Echeneis sex-decim lamellata Eydoux & Gervais, 1837; (misspelling)
Echeneis sexdecimlamellata Eydoux & Gervais, 1837; (opinion 1033)
Echeneis sexdecimlamellata Eydoux & Gervais, 1837; (synonym)
Echeneis brachyptera Lowe, 1839; (valid as)
Echeneis quatuordecimlaminatus Storer, 1839; (opinion 1121)
Echeneis quatuordecimlaminatus Storer, 1839; (synonym)
Echeneis nieuhofii Bleeker, 1853; (synonym)
Remoropsis brachyptera Gill, 1863; (valid as)
Remora osteochir Eschmeyer & Herald, 1983
Echeneis osteochir Cuvier, 1829; (valid as)
Echeneis jacobaea Lowe, 1839; (synonym)
Echeneis musignani Costa, 1840; (synonym)
Echeneis tetrapturorum Poey, 1860; (synonym)
Echeneis pediculus Girard, 1893; (synonym)
Echeneis megalodiscus Franz, 1910; (synonym)
Remora remora Gill, 1862
Echeneis remora Linnaeus, 1758; (valid as)
Echeneis squalipeta Daldorff, 1793; (synonym)
Echeneis parva Gronow, 1854; (synonym)
Echeneis remoroides Bleeker, 1855; (synonym)
Echeneis remoro¯des Bleeker, 1855; (misspelling)
Echeneis bourboniensis Guichenot, 1858; (unavailable, no features)
Echeneis postica Poey, 1860; (synonym)
Echeneis borboniensis Guichenot, 1863; (synonym)
Echeneis remeligo Guichenot (ex Dum©ril), 1863; (synonym)
Echeneis remeligo Guichenot (ex Dum©ril), 1863; (unavailable, no features)
Remora jacoboea Gill, 1863; (synonym)
Echeneis nubibera Tanaka, 1915; (misspelling)
Echeneis nubifera Tanaka, 1915; (synonym)
Remora remora Eschmeyer & Herald, 1983
24.4.2004 (4)
[CoL] Catalogue of Life
Bánki, O., Roskov, Y., Döring, M., Ower, G., Hernández Robles, D. R., Plata Corredor, C. A., Stjernegaard Jeppesen, T., Örn, A., Vandepitte, L., Hobern, D., Schalk, P., DeWalt, R. E., Ma, K., Miller, J., Orrell, T., Aalbu, R., Abbott, J., Adlard, R., Aedo, C., et al. (2024). Catalogue of Life Checklist (Version 2024-03-26);
Additional information sources:
The taxonomic information and the basic database has been provided by; e-mail: Igor Sheremetyev ; This is a conversion from a database dump, and there are probably many odd things as result of automatic conversion.