Arabis L. Pitkäpalot Rockcress

Foodplants for Anthocharis lanceolata, A. midea, A. sara, Euchloe ausonides, E. olympia, Pontia daplidice, P. sisymbrii, Rhigognostis senilella

[sp-1.jpg] 523x800 (~76Kb) Finland, Vantaa, ?April 2002, Photo 24042002_22 © Timo Viitanen [sp-2.jpg] 800x1293 (~107Kb) USA: Green Canyon (~ 47.17°N 120.64°W), Kittitas Co., WA, 23.3.2005, Photo © Markku Savela

The exact identification of these species is still unknown, but tentatively assumed to belong into this group.


Unmatched external taxa

5.3.2022 (25)


Some related literature:

If you have corrections, comments or information to add into these pages, just send mail to Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.