Paper Database
Ordered by AUTHOR

List of papers ordered by first author's surname (56)
Amatriain, Xavier
Metrix: A Musical Data Definition Language and Data Structure for a Spectral Modeling Based Synthesizer
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Arfib, Daniel
Different ways to write digital audio effects programs
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Beltrán, Fernando A.
A Real-Time DSP-based Reverberation System with Computer
PS file ZIP file
Bernardini, Nicola
Making Sounds with Numbers: A Tutorial on Music Software Dedicated to Digital Audio
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Bogaards, Niels
Digital Filtering for Musicians
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Cano, Pedro
Fundamental Frequency Estimation in the SMS analysis
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Casajús-Quirós, Francisco J.
Digital Signal Processors for Real-Time Audio Processing
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Cook, Perry R.
Toward the Perfect Audio Morph? Singing Voice Synthesis and Processing
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Di Federico, Riccardo
Waveform Preserving Time Stretching and Pitch Shifting for Sinusoidal Models of Sound
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Generalizing the Reflection Model by the Use of a Particle Tracing Method
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Dutilleux, Pierre
Filters, Delays, Modulations and Demodulations: A tutorial
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Embedded Audio Compression using Wavelets and improved Psychoacoustic Models
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Digital Audio Compression Algorithms
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Evangelista, Gianpaolo
Dispersive and Pitch-Synchronous Processing of Sounds
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Farina, Angelo
Numerical Model of the Sound Field inside Cars for the Creation of Virtual audible Reconstructions
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Farina, Angelo
Inverse numerical filters for linearisation of loudspeaker’s
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Febrer, Miquel
Aneto: a tool for prosody analysis of speech
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Fernández-Cid, Pablo
Enhanced quality and variety for chorus/flange units
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Garcia Escudero, Juan
Sound Generation with Aperiodic Ordered Systems
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Geslin, Yann
Sound and Music transformation environments : a 20 years experiment at the french Groupe de Recherches Musicales
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Guerra, Esther
VowSynth: A Synthesizer of Vowel Sounds Based on Additive Synthesis
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Herrera, Perfecto
Vibrato extraction and parameterization in the Spectral Modeling Synthesis framework
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Hoge, Steve
FX8010 - A DSP Chip Architecture for Audio Effects
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Jordá, Sergi
FMOL: a graphical and net oriented approach to interactive sonic composition and real-time synthesis for low cost computer systems
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López, Jose Javier
Software Toolbox for Multichannel Sound Reproduction
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Loscos, Alex
SMSPerformer: A real-time synthesis interface for SMS
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Macias, Bernardo
SMS3d: An application for the visualization of SMS data
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Malham, David G
Sound Spatialisation
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Marchand, Sylvain
Improving Spectral Analysis Precision with an Enhanced Phase Vocoder using Signal Derivatives
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Marti Perez, Francesc
Vocem: An Application for Real-Time Granular Synthesis
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Masri, Paul
Extracting More Detail from the Spectrum with Phase Distortion Analysis
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Musical Gestures and Audio Effects Processing
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Nicol, Rozenn
Reproducing 3D-Sound for Videoconferencing: a comparison between Holophony and Ambisonic
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Pachet, François
Constraint-Based Spatialization
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Peeters, Geoffroy
Signal Characterization in terms of Sinusoidal and Non-Sinusoidal Components
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Pernaux, Jean-Marie
Virtual Sound Source Positioning and Mixing in 5.1. Implementation on the Real-Time System Genesis
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Piirila, Esa
Digital Signal Processing Techniques for Non-exponentially Decaying Reverberation
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Pottier, Laurent
Dynamical spatialisation of sounds. HOLOPHON: a graphical and algorithmical editor for S1
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Resina Bertran, Eduard
SMS Composer and SMS Conductor: Applications for Spectral Modeling Synthesis Composition and Performance
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Reyes, Juan
A Proposal for using SMS for Expression Modeling
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Examples of the musical use of digital audio effects
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Roads, Curtis
Micro-sound: history and illusion
Rocchesso, Davide
Fractionally-addressed Delay Lines
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Rossell Turull, Ivana
Design and implementation of a 3-D sound system based on the HRTF
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Rowlands, Robert Lewis
Sonic Screwdrivers: Sound as a Sculptural Process
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Sánchez Marcos, Ignacio
Software modules for HRTF based dynamic spatialisation
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Scheirer,Eric D.
AudioBIFS: The MPEG-4 Standard for Effects Processing
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Serra, Xavier
Sound Transformations Based on the SMS High Level Attributes
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Tintis, Raffaele de
Morph: Timbre Hybridization Tools Based on Frequency Domain Processing
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Todoroff, Todor
Some applications of digital Audio Processing in composing electroacustic music for dance
Traube, Caroline
MoveInSpace : a trajectories generator
Verma, Tony S.
Time Scale Modification Using a Sines+Transients+Noise Signal Model
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Wardle, Scott
A Hilbert-Transformer Frequency Shifter for Audio
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Wehn, Kaare
Using Ideas from Natural Selection to Evolve Synthesized Sounds
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Ystad, Solvi.
Sound Modeling from the Analysis of Real Sounds
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Zölzer, Udo
Audio Processing Systems
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